Group Counselling

What is Group Counselling?

Group counseling is a therapeutic approach that brings together individuals facing similar challenges or concerns in a supportive and confidential setting. In this collaborative setting, a trained mental health professional facilitates the group, fostering an environment where participants can openly express themselves, share experiences, and receive feedback from both the facilitator and their peers.

Our Groups

Click on the cards to know more details about particular group session

Managing Anxiety Through the Nervous System

June 4

15 Members

This 5-week counselling group will help people with anxiety understand how their nervous systems impact their experiences.
Mapping and Unmasking Emotions

March 18

12 Members

Masking and Unmasking Emotions is a group therapy class designed to explore the complexities of hiding and revealing our true feelings.
Kintsugi workshop

March 10

10 Members

Participants in a Kintsugi workshop come together to break and repair bowls with gold and epoxy, symbolizing the healing and beauty found in embracing imperfections and past traumas, leaving with newfound perspectives and resilience.

Past Groups

How it works

Formation of group
Formation of the group

This session is focused on people that are feeling low in their life and want to be more grateful with their lives.

Facilitator's Role

A skilled facilitator, often a licensed therapist or counselor, guides the group sessions. The facilitator creates a safe and confidential space.

Structured Sessions

Group sessions are structured and may include a combination of check-ins, themed discussions, and interactive activities.

Feedback and Support

Members offer constructive feedback and support to one another. This can include sharing coping strategies.

Goal Setting

Participants collaboratively set personal goals and milestones. The group provides a supportive platform for monitoring progress.


Group counseling typically has a defined duration, and closure sessions are conducted to reflect on the journey and plan for ongoing support.

Fill out the form below to inquire about Group Counselling

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    Managing Anxiety Through the Nervous System

    Vancouver Airport Square

    Tuesdays from 6 - 8 pm

    Starts June 4 ( 5 Weeks )

    $10 / Session

    15 Members

    This 5-week counselling group will help people with anxiety understand how their nervous systems impact their experiences. Each session will offer psychoeducation around the role our brains and bodies play in anxiety, practical tools to help with management, and space for group members to process how anxiety is currently showing up in their lives.


    The group leaders, Kelli and Erin, are Masters-level practicum students who help folks of all ages and all walks of life with their mental health, and are excited to bring this unique approach to managing anxiety to our community.

    Kintsugi art workshop

    Port Coquitlam

    1 PM - 4PM

    March 10


    10 Members

    Topics Covered: Trauma or emotional/psychological experiences

    Kintsugi – art of golden rejoining. Participants come together for an afternoon to break bowls and put them back together using gold and epoxy. Kintsugi can be analogous to the things that have broken or cracked us as individuals. Bowls represent the person and trauma, life, or negative experiences are the things that can cause damage to us IE – the cracks in our bowls. The golden rejoining is the healing that happens. In the repair, we find “Wabi Sabi” or find beauty in the imperfect. Our new perspective can be – even though we’ve experienced things from our past that may have broken us – we are stronger, more resilient, more beautiful as a result. Participants will be left with the experience of kintsugi and wabi sabi and leave with their own bowls and other materials along with new perspectives and ways of being